" they make Susan and me look good. "
Who says you look good?
so i finally read tony's life story and this one point really hit me where he was talking about his son's.
on page 7 he say's "because they made the truth their own, they make susan and me look good.
so those who children leave the "truth" look bad?.
" they make Susan and me look good. "
Who says you look good?
so i finally read tony's life story and this one point really hit me where he was talking about his son's.
on page 7 he say's "because they made the truth their own, they make susan and me look good.
so those who children leave the "truth" look bad?.
Ever wonder where the 3 stooges got their inspiration?
so i finally read tony's life story and this one point really hit me where he was talking about his son's.
on page 7 he say's "because they made the truth their own, they make susan and me look good.
so those who children leave the "truth" look bad?.
comments have been made previously about the watchtower using emotion to sway peoples thinking.
this is evident in the new breed of garbage song videos and the kiddy cartoons.
when relaying current news, the same tactics are used.
Comments have been made previously about the Watchtower using emotion to sway peoples thinking. This is evident in the new breed of garbage song videos and the kiddy cartoons. When relaying current news, the same tactics are used. A careful examination of the Watchtower's real stand on certain issues often reveals the fraudulent misuse of the wording it uses. Take for example this 'news item' now showing on JW.ORG.
Twenty Years of Imprisonment in Eritrea—Will It Ever End?
Twenty years ago, Eritrean authorities arrested three young men and detained them in harsh conditions in the Sawa prison camp, where they remain until this day. They have never been charged with a crime, nor have they been given the opportunity to defend themselves in a court of law. Why have they been unjustly imprisoned?
Paulos Eyassu, Negede Teklemariam, and Isaac Mogos are Jehovah’s Witnesses and conscientiously object to performing military service because of their strongly held religious beliefs. Had they been formally charged with the “crime” of refusing military service, they would have been sentenced to a fixed prison term. Paulos, Negede, and Isaac, now aged 41, 40, and 38 respectively, have spent their youth in confinement. They have been denied the opportunity to marry and have children, give support to their aging parents, or live their lives as they choose…".
They ask,' Will it ever end'?
We would do well to ask, about their manipulating words, ' will it ever stop'?
this is a must watch video.
it brought tears of laughter!.
the watchtower 'masturbation' video has caused quit a fuss and imo rightly so.
let me relate an experience that took place almost 40 years ago, in the 1970's.. i was translating for several families who attended our hall from outside the territory.
the reason they came to our congregation is that i was the only one in the area willing to exert myself to learn the american sign language.
the watchtower 'masturbation' video has caused quit a fuss and imo rightly so.
let me relate an experience that took place almost 40 years ago, in the 1970's.. i was translating for several families who attended our hall from outside the territory.
the reason they came to our congregation is that i was the only one in the area willing to exert myself to learn the american sign language.
The Watchtower 'masturbation' video has caused quit a fuss and IMO rightly so. Let me relate an experience that took place almost 40 years ago, in the 1970's.
I was translating for several families who attended our hall from outside the territory. The reason they came to our congregation is that I was the only one in the area willing to exert myself to learn the American Sign Language. Among these families was a very gentlemanly and distinguished brother. He would have excelled in anything he chose to do, except for his deaf handicap limiting him. His ears had become infected at the age of three and resulted in total loss of hearing. He was a fine example of a father taking the lead in his household. He worked hard, attended all the meetings and was regular in field service. In his younger years he had been on Canada's Olympic weight lifting team. He was very precise in his sign language. He regularly gave talks on the Theocratic Ministry School. My duty was to interpret these talks, from sign language to the spoken word.
One #5 talk was on the subject of 'masturbation'. Being the 'nincompoop' he was, the Ministry School Overseer decided to not give the talk to an elder or a speaking brother BUT to this deaf brother. It was my duty to translate this 'masturbation' talk for the benefit of all in attendance, about 100 people, young, old and everyone in between.
The sign used for masturbation was the same as used in the WT video, and I emphasize this, the deaf brother gave the talk in a very tasteful and discreet manner. It was a model of a speaker giving a public discourse in a way that was not offensive to anyone. My delivery followed suit.
Imagine my shock, which grew to outrage and anger, at that offensive, disgusting and, to use Tony 3's favourite word, INAPPROPRIATE video by the present Watchtower leaders.
the current sitting u.s. federal magistrate judge, in alpine, texas, is a jehovah's witness and is set to retire on november 9, 2015.. .
link to news article.
on november 9, the honorable b. dwight goains will retire from an eight-year term serving as the u.s. magistrate judge in alpine, texas.
if you answer 'yah', why do you so answer ?
i am curious about a list of questions the wt society sent to the moody bible institute.
i may not have all the facts correct.
blame my failing memory.
Sorry for the interruption. I Googled and found the list on Topix JW's
It is the following:
"The following questions were prepared by the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society in reply to a request for debate from the Moody Bible
Institute. The Society proposed that if they could satisfactorily give
them Bible answers to these questions, then they would be willing to debate. An answer was never received.
1. Was Eden on earth or in heaven?
2. Was Adam created mortal or immortal?
3. If Adam had not sinned, would he have died?
4. On account of sin Adam died, so does that prove he was mortal?
5. Is there a difference between eternal life and immortality?
6. If Adam had lived forever, would you call that immortality?
7. Can a person live eternally, and yet, not be immortal?
8. If Adam could not go to heaven without dying, and could not die without sinning, does that not prove sin was a blessing to the human family?
9. Did Adam lose an earthly or heavenly home?
10 If Jesus came to restore what Adam lost (Luke 19:10), what will be restored?
11. Was Adam a single individual, or two individuals in one?
12. If composed of two parts, soul and body; which one was Adam?
13. What was the responsible part that could think, feel, and act?
14. Which part was it that sinned, soul or body?
15. If it was the soul, then why does the body have to suffer?
16. If it was the body, then why does the soul need to be saved?
17. In Genesis 3:11 (“Who told thee thou wast naked?”), which part of Adam did God talk to, soul or body?
18. What is the “thou” referred to in Genesis 3:17 (“Thou hast eaten”)?
If you say it refers to the soul, then to what does the word “thou”
refer to in Genesis 3:19, 20 (“Dust thou art, and to dust, thou shalt
20. How many different penalties were passed on Adam for sinning?
21. Was one penalty pronounced against the soul, and a different one against the body?
22. Then, explain Ezekiel 18:20 and Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10?
23. Is the penalty mentioned at Genesis 2:17, different from Genesis 3:19?
24. If there was only one penalty, what was it?
25. Does the Bible say the penalty against Adam, was death, a returning to the dust?
26. Or, an endless life of misery in a burning hell?
27. Suppose that all that happened in Eden, no Savior had come; where would the human race spend eternity (righteous David, for example.)?
28. Did Jesus really die when he was impaled at Golgotha?
29. Or, was it only his body that died (implying that Jesus soul is immortal)?
If Jesus had an immortal soul that did not die, and that immortal was
Jesus himself; have we not been misinformed that Jesus died for sinners?
Why not just say that the body Jesus lived in died for the body Adam
lived in, and that the real Jesus did not die at all, and the real Adam
(and the rest of humanity) simply was not (were not) saved?"